Stencil Cleaning – Gensonic

Gensonic Stencil Cleaning System

The NEW Gensonic Stencil Cleaning System uses a 40kHz on-contact ultrasonic transducer for high efficiency cleaning of stencil apertures.

The Gensonic can be used either in conjunction with our Stencil Cleaning Centres or portable enough to be taken directly to the printer.

Can you afford just 1 partial or totally blocked stencil aperture?
There is bridging across plcc joints
There are only 1 or 2 dry joints
Post soldering inspection fails to identify these
The product gets into the end customer
The cost to fix bridging on 1 hours worth of production?
To correct dry joints with over 1 hours worth of production?
Final inspection found the problem and it represents 4 hours of production?
You have to pay for field re-work?

A Gensonic Stencil Aperture cleaner will pay for itself in only a few seconds. Can you take the risk?

Designed, Developed and Manufactured by Gen3 Systems in the UK at a price you won’t believe.

Winner of the 2013 Global Technology Award:
The Gensonic has been awarded the 2013 Global Technology Award in the category of Best European Product.
Global Technology Award 2013